If I am going to migrate for work, what type of work are suitable for me, given my academic background or skills?

There are different needs of destination countries that are applicable for migrant workers. Compare these with your qualifications if they match. If not, you can take further courses or trainings.

For example, because of various infrastructure work in the Middle East, there are needs for welder, electrician, mechanic, cable jointer, blacksmith, draftsman, surveyor, technician, driver and plumber. In addition, Saudi Arabia has various needs for health and finance workers while UAE needs hospitality service workers for hotels, restaurants, and private companies.

Because of growing garments and fashion industry in select Middle East countries, there is also a large demand for garments worker, dressmaker, tailor, sewer, draftsman, storekeeper, photographer and artists.

In Europe and America, medical or health and agricultural workers are needed. In Malaysia, agricultural workers are in demand while in Taiwan, South Korea and Japan, those with information technology skills and skills related to manufacturing. HK, Singapore and Middle East countries also have needs for domestic workers, caregivers and baby-sitters. In African countries, there is a huge opportunity for farmers, cultivators, health workers etc.
More information on the future of work can be browsed through:

Website- https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/future-of-work/lang--en/index.htm